Contact Us

white and black dog
white and black dog

At Pupsandkittensclub, we are dedicated to spreading happiness and promoting the right to live freely. Contact us today.

Welcome Home

Discover the joy in every wag and purr with Pups and Kittens Club. We believe in the right to a happy life for all creatures.


123 Happy Pet Lane, Cityville, USA


Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm Sat: 10am-3pm

Joyful Moments

At Pups and Kittens Club, we spread happiness to all creatures.

brown short coated dog sitting on gray carpet
brown short coated dog sitting on gray carpet
brown cat sleeping on white textile
brown cat sleeping on white textile
grayscale of woman holding dog
grayscale of woman holding dog
flying crow
flying crow
long-coated white dog walking on snow
long-coated white dog walking on snow
black dog running in the middle of field
black dog running in the middle of field